24 March 2019

Postcard 162

Each bold moment - forgotten
marvels of self seen & touched
Each shy motion:

a free twitch of hip, a gasp
of just stale breath still sweet
the grip of denim thighs

light fingers measure strength of arms
challenge runandjump
across bridges fog obscured

Your knees strawberryjam stained
We a leafpile of gggles - smoldering
Kissed like light rain

Met at bussstops cloaked like spies
ignored signs -- smoking, loitering
All eye corners full of wet wonder

Made love through clothes
each taste touch a bright splash exquisite
in blank sweater filtered light

Watched old movies
blackandwhite in splendid poverty
of cold rooms Noir sharp air
You laughed & itched on filthy rugs
in strangers partystrewn houses
under my shushing grins

Room a scattered room, bodies
muffled on the floor Ashtrays
full of kissstains Bottles sunshining

halffull of gold oblivion Clear white
takeout boxes open inedible -
broken winged memories

Now smell of stale & cheap
of cigarettes & whiteboxtakeout
recall our twin cookie fortune:

Life is but a dream.
Merrily we followed eachother through
misted streets, blackcoated ghosts

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