23 January 2025

Turquise Daughter


The world it does spin. This we know
Not in space as we are told
It spins in time we feel and see

Two hands you have on two long arms
With one hand pull at ocean's tide
The other one is gauntlet gloved

Two brothers borne and lived and died
One -- a knife plunged hilt deep in hot flesh
of girl and man. Contentment was beneath

The other was a stone, silent and still, but seeking
was dropped into a well      <Plop>    was the only sound he ever made
Finding depth plumbed was done

Their sister is a circle ever growing
she whispers in men's ears
Oh turquoise daughter, this world spins too fast for me

There is a pile of leaves that smolders
There is a pile of leaves conceals more death than I have ever seen
There is a top between our legs that spins perpetually

A man stands waist deep in the sea
Rip tide cleaves him in two
Turquoise daughter, birds fall from trees

Turquoise daughter, darkening aflame
The sun is burning the western sky
Turquoise daughter what are our names?

The dog stars fly, the wires scream
There are two breasts,
but children three

When she dies she becomes the great white pelican  
wings drawing on the water
She cuts piles of leaves apart in flame

She cuts the breasts from off her chest
She cuts the marrow from her bones. The great white pelican
she cuts like no knife nor tide nor sharp stone can  

She whispers in men’s ears
She says it spins too fast for you
and wire cuts too deep

This we know, we feel and see –
the great turquoise pelican can cut the tides
but cannot chase the sea

Like everyone and everything
she was born from dusty effluent
of morbid stars.  She was carbon bright
A filament bridged and glowed

Like everyone and everything
she was born a bursting prophet of origin
Rare to rich over-burn of eventuality
She was born a single treed forest burnt crisp

Like everyone and everything
she was born tossed and caught
From blank non-being into being
From blinding gestate to cold dark earth.
                        A stone

Like everyone and everything,
she was born to veiled
nursemaids of pain and pleasure
One called need, the other want

Like everyone and everything
she was born crying out, to mark
short span of being. Compressed
together, screaming apart

Like everyone and everything
she was born fissured with impurity
That is the crack and split
of pyrophytic seed

Like everything and every being
she was born highly charged.
Repulse and attract imminent
A spark seeking the touch of circuit

Like everything and every other being
she was born a one time thing
in everlasting experiment
With potential toward all else

Like everything and every being
she is diminished by neglect
As semi-precious as core clustered diamonds
As underfoot as turquoise

Like every being,
she was born with unspoken name
Like everything
she was born with no spoken name

Like everyone and everything that must be
she was born blankly
grasping for a given name
Oh Turquoise Daughter

All things, beings all, are born clean
into a well worn and weary world

Stars glow red and every cell has death drive
Rivers -- metal ochers, metal yellows –
like bony fingers reach to sea.

Big waters barely beat.

Big waters filled with skeletons of all things,
like old coral, oily algae green
The surface is a sick skin, a fever sweat
for greasy rain-starved winds

A new clear creature comes up from mud
and squirms grub-like from chrysalis of debris

She does not slouch toward pestilent future or from corruption of past

For a moment she is pure and unseen

She opens eyes as blue as treasure-held fragments of that old sky

This world is putrid.
Each step sucks up the smell of sour decay

each shuffle through the plastic shells of shotgun wadding,

old bent butts, of straws and bottlecaps, clears infertile crust away

Each step pushes blood poison, brown and veined, up her legs

She moves toward exhausted alkali – the world as desiccate as leaves

She moves through and to a place where other beings might be or might have been:

the strange mindful intention of piled debris
hard ground stained by dirty fires

corners strewn with dried black chips of feces

Everything has one property to possess and share: every being has smell

Every sheet of paper bound and stacked, every book broken spined and outcast --

all dim deciduous memories, trustee of image and word --

withers in the infrared and speckles green in mildew damp

and smells like old pornography

All things, beings all
are death drive born -- seeking
starving for the echo source

of clear of bright of clean

She comes to a cityscape
The world cannot help but change
Everyone and everything pushes out
The city has burst unfilled, a hollowscape

Wide avenues lead to center, radiate
Only laterals crowd with argument and debris
No one, nothing meets or challenges her
but the blasted glass ground beneath her feet

The sentinels are empty and everything
remains is scurry scurry
Heat is frivolous spent
without movement - tangled

Everything pushes out
against what it may find
looking out with
city center empty eyes

She stands at epicenter
that is like a weak star
Broadways radiate like light
did it explode? vaporize? did it collapse?

She walks upon ashes and looks
around clear blue, no second sight
The beast has been still-born and yet
has lurched away, pushing out

She feels threat inevitable
One thing overcome by another

Push turned inward

She breaths it finely in

Her hands are metal black

what did she touch? Somewhere deep
there must be clay and hummus

untouched untrammeled  and unstreaked

From chromium clouds
the suicide air lays acid down

Toward quicksilver skies

the earth pushes up its alkali

A shadow flits across her eyes

Then another and another still

Some ancient creatures cloistered up

ooze across the formless sun

The wings push down push down away

She pulls up her feet and follows

Every girl in this hostile world

needs walk on, every girl needs a dog

The old birds move across the sky

they look down, lantern-like

at weary angles with the weary world obtuse

She follows them with long strides. She shears
She pursues strident and acute

Decrepitude falls away
fluttering like old lace
The paper clothed ground peels up
and flickers like grey flame

Her legs lift ponderous as wings

She is leaving but wishing won't make it so
Legs and wings astride as if willing

only made it so, they are away

The bird and her describe a whirl against itself

Then, whirl against the broken back of world

-- all its own armatures corrupt

its chemical sky collapsing into sea

Firmament slides delirious away

Guide-wires burn and snap like filaments

One by one the wings collapse and

fall along guide wires arsenic and lead

Still, she persists her vom'tous slog

nearer still against the blasted sun

But look, a smudge across the rarefied

A listless smile that is primeval tusk

and two black shines that are mockeries of eyes

The stillborn beast remains, a stain

and like a slug, consumes the world decay

There is a bright white –
a pelican astride being of legs and wings

And there is a sallow white
that is a fade, consumption

Please tell your children that you are coming soon

Please tell our children that you are

Please tell your children of your imminence

Last night a sickly light scarred

the low hung steaming atmosphere --

a load shot into the seeded sky

Tell me your children are imminent

In this morning's feeble dawn,

eyes old and wise, wings

spanning three meters wide,

the great grey pelican -- ocean's hound --

filled it's gulping beak the final time

And then Leviathan

blood plumbed with mercury and lead

rolled its eyes back in its head
White ribbed belly stretched to convecting winds,

oil covered -- a suffocating new blubber

Today is merciless. Wisdom is dead

Please tell our children anything

They are compelled to scratch

their spoken name in open osseous sand --

our children -- exposed and bounded by

the scaly crissing crossing trails
of mucous webs of slugs

Our children signed a blind consent

and they will desert wander

they will, our debts, pay

They will grow mute illiterate

They will be burdened by old laws

scratched in cuneiform upon

chipped slabs of clay

They have signed away

in aggregate, inheritance

Please tell them their secret names

Please let our children know

the fertile laws of nature will

supplant the fetid laws of man

We know it is too late in our cities

seamed and chipped, utilities choking choking

We know it is too late in our nitrous fields

collapsing into blue-green waterways

We know it is too late upon our greasy seas

We know that our mighty, ocean striding
derricks stand upon feet, iron-oxide red

Our valley spanning damns rest on feet of clay

Drown the wise men, may as well

let their harsh God be their judge

And we know it is too late for lightest sky

Turquoise daughter will not ascend, broad winged upon

now white pelican. She must at last return to ground

Life itself is there, tenuously choking
choking pale & self consuming

Is it too late?

There is a pimp and there is a whore

He cuts a dripping peach

Between his stained and crooked teeth

he sucks last pith from pitted core

He spits it out to speak while beating her

You bitch. You cunt. You piece of shit

Why does pimp hate whore? Why

do slugs use razor tongues

to drill in shielded shell?

Is it too late, turquoise daughter for sperm and egg?

Is it too late for germinate seed?

Too late even, for dormant tuber & wind-held spore?

Too late, the mollusk pimp will spit

Too late and more. Too late and more

The story so far is bleak. Here is reprieve:

Writers often do despair of staring blank at blank white sheet

The naked onus is to fill judiciously

To silent say what is a need, no more no less

To mete out hard truth and fragile beauty like rare thread

But you will seldom hear despair of staring darkly into inky well

The truth is there -- that every word drawn out of it is destined to fail

The truth, I fear, is bleak. The well is most opaque,

into which a fragile truth might, like a penny wish, sightless sink

Ink black, paper white, the writer knows his own hubris

and fears any hope is a like mistake

But must hold truth that blackest ink and whitest sheet

are last exhale of pulpy carbon tree

Poets task is not as engineer. Ink in words

is only slowed and followed spill and swell

Lines laid down like ordered thought are dark waters

cutting courses to root rich earth and thirsty fertile ground

The story so far is bleak, yet it persists

of its own power, not by me but through
with the same natural mystery that drives toward dark well

both sunlit stream and obscured roots of tree

Turquoise Daughter, sink some ships
No man alive can comfort you
Let flesh fall like so much drifting slag
sparks brighter than our meager sun
[cancer causing animus, tumorous]

Turquoise Daughter, halfway flayed
the broken earth thrust between your legs
It hasn't always been this way
Remember that – it’s your great pain

Let the great putty-men flake away
From that land raise a great wail -- alone and whole
See the silver raven speak on black water's face
Sink some ships and follow her. Collect the wails
Sew them up in womb and crack your mighty legs

Turquoise Daughter create a scream
A scream complete, more mighty than the Word. Sink ships
Send bodies flaming into black seas crushed
I may not know to not fight back
Turquoise Daughter bury me
Use my blood as grease
Let Annihilation be your name -- create!
There is no man can comfort you
There is no man that does not fear

Not in you but of you. Breath communes

The sun yearns red

Great storms batter the eastern seaboard

The west burns earnestly toward sun setting end

We are not unfamiliar with his desires

Each day some burning man at his own red meridian

loads up and shines down bullets, pitiless

Down and down, we are groomed for this

A pitiful man holds downward his gun

The sun seeks red
The pitiful man seeks gray

The sky moans with ash and haze

Not in you but of you. Breath communes

We have been groomed for this

It is pitiless how long and how

the child seeks love from her tormentor

Lead hot sun and crouch behind

Mask on because breath communes

Active shooter drills, the sun's own red desire

is a gray earth, a charnel house

Who loves color like a child?

But unburnt waters rise, subsume

Where is color-loving child?

Where is gray man?

Where is rapacious sunlight?

Not in you but of you.
Breath communes. Alas, submerged

But all colors start in lightless deep

From spark, from movement,

from vivacious seek

15 January 2025

Postcard 217



I Resolve

I shall peel oranges ripe high and near
Inhale the bloom, bright inflamed of sunlight
Toss spent peel in the truck bed behind me

I will imbibe the scent of every blossom
In their loins discover and welcome who
will soon cut tannic bitter leaves to lace

I will split fat melons with a saber
Score indelible scars on cutting boards
strike sure strike quick strike firm -- carnage obscene

I'll plunge my thumbs through pomegranates
From thick skin squeeze a decadence of stain
Waste seeds spumed careless upon the floor

Eat each plucked apple to pentacle core
Dance the 5rythme from flow to still
Red death circle eve; red death circle witch

10 November 2024

Postcard 216


 Armistice Day, 2024


"At their inauguration, public leaders
must swear to uphold unwritten law and weep
to atone for their presumption to hold office" 
                                                        -- Heaney


Finally, you have frayed every
length of human oath sworn
out by your own vain terms.

These are indeed late days
that drag your lame rule
into that frugal republic

where, with curdled privilege
and pockets bereft, you must
wander through a purpled world

of ducks that only dip, poppies
tramped beneath your knees and
oranges beyond tongues or fingertips.

So toddle on to pasture, inured
of scent sweet thyme and colocynth,
bitter gourds won't salt your lips.

Thunderstorms won't swaddle you, but
hale unceasing rain of last little beats to
peen upon your own pharaonic heart.

even this will change

p.s. How dare you betray poetry

08 November 2024

Postcard 215

Speak plain. Speak true.

Pulling into rockyard to
pickup two cubic yards of
decomposed granite, DG.

Unease onto this subtle path
of earthmovers, oracles, and scales
-- a stone culture that confounds.

My request should be clear
of the woman at the window,
My words concrete:

Portland cement, limestone, half ton
aggregate, sixty pound paper sacks,
finger ripped and seeping.

(salt water is its ancient cure,
a riddle carved within
manstone that endures)

And I, at a loss, drive blind,
wrong way headlong into
a fearsome masticator

Please. I need to lay a path.
There cannot be enough lye
to cover all these bodies.

25 July 2024

Poscard 214

Star-written in
an oily palm
enfolds the oldest
utterances of gods' will
pressed expressed
open sesame

This little sensuous pod
the flake of single fate
parsed and perfect within
orchid pleats the crinkle
tease of
an airy

Ground fine as flour
all Fortune's fiery avenues
drawn and atomized
an aphorism, Karmic caught
in this little

What harm could come?
"You will live in
interesting times"
a spoon of sugar
never hurts
Does it?

your lucky numbers are 1, 6, 8, 0

22 March 2024

Lost Post: Postcard Collective Winter 2019 series, "Practice Makes...."

 The following four posts are a compilation of my submissions to the Postcard Collective Winter exchange of 2019. For whatever reason, my cards were not included in the final Archive. I have submitted to the upcoming 2024 Winter exchange. In doing so, I have unearthed and revisited my previous submissions

The theme was "Practice makes..."

I went ahead with my usual practice of following the nonlinear suggestions of fate and coincidence. I found two books in the dumpster at the park where I am a ranger. You may recall that up to that point, "the 2018 wildfire season was the deadliest and most destructive wildfire season in California history. It was also the largest on record at the time, now third after the 2020 and 2021 California wildfire seasons."

I do not recall the titles of the books. One was a large format photo book of the arctic and antarctic that had been given as a gift to a parting antarctic researcher by their fellows. The second was a semi-utopian compilation from the seventies of thoughts on the Anthropocene and its place in the larger natural world with a kind of Buckminster Fuller/Carl Sagan vibe despairing ecological hopefulness

With global ecology and mankind's filthy hands in its bushel of slow murders, I cut and glued some 30 or so collage postcards, with the perspective subheading of "At The Far Edges"

How does that comport with "Practice Makes..."?
Well, the implication is "...perfect" which is a generalization that broadly accepts it's own platitudinous broad stroke, but as applied to the human project is farcical.

Read together as a lyric conversation between a human representative and a collating machine of some technological innovation, we have compassion for this monster species driven toward a progressive destruction by its own naturally driven adaptations. Perhaps there is a chance of positive mutation on a second round. After all, practice makes perfect.

None of the words are my own, all are collage

Lost Post: Postcard Collective Winter 2019 series, "Practice Makes...."


To Whom It May Concern
Dear pen pal: I am fine, how are you?
The wether hear is good,
but I have not herd from you in sometime...

This gray spirit yearns in desire to follow knowledge like a sinking star, beyond the utmost bound of human thought...The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks; the long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep moans round with many voices. Come in friends, 'tis not too late to seek a newer world...

Symbolic language is a language in which inner experiences, feelings and thoughts are expressed as if they were sensory experiences, events in the outer world. It is a language which has a different logic from the conventional one we speak in the daytime, a logic in which not time and space are the ruling categories, but intensity and association. It is the one universal language the human race has ever developed, the same for all cultures and throughout history.
Yet this language has been forgotten by modern man. Not when he is asleep, but when he is awake.
Most of our dreams have one characteristic in common: they do not follow the laws of logic that govern our waking thought, The categories of time and space are neglected. People who are dead, we see alive; events which we watch in t he present, occurred many years ago. We dream of two events as occurring simultaneously when in reality they could not possibly occur at the same time. We pay just a little attention to the laws of space...despite all these strange qualities, our dreams are real to us while we are. dreaming; as real as any experiences we have in our waking life. There is no "as if" in dreams.
The dream is present, real experience. So much, in fact that it suggests two questions:


What is reality?
How do we know what we dream is unreal and what we experience in waking life is real?

I dreamt last night
that I was a butterfly
and now I don not know
weather I am a man who
dreamt he was a butterfly
or a butterfly who dreams
that now he is a man

When we first start up this path
[and its been a long and arduous one]
we were looking for something.
We didn't find it. The seemingly simple question was --
are there technological solutions to some of the social, moral, political,
and philosophical problems of our time?

Nobody yet knows the languages inherent in the new technological culture"
We are all technological idiots in terms of the new situations
Our most impressive words and thoughts betray us by referring to he previously existent
not the present

Turned out it was not a simple question

Once upon a time there evolved upon this planet an organism that was ill suited for survival. It could not run fast enough to escape enemies; if caught, its teeth and claws were too small for protection. It was too big to hide behind a leaf and too weak to burrow deeply into the ground. To survive, it took refuge in a cave

    1. Pervasive fear, anxiety, and persistent feelings of insecurity
    2. Obsession with the accumulation of things or the symbols of things
    3. Fear of losing any portion of what has already been accumulated, even though it served no life-               supporting purpose
    4. Hostility against any living being that threatened to diminish the accumulation because this meant        the reduction of security.
    5. Deep feelings of depression following each "success" was not permanent; in a changing world,             could be reversed into defeat. And so there followed a greater effort to achieve "real" success -- a           compulsive and destructive behavior pattern that reinforced itself because every success was                     reality a failure

In the obsessive compulsive mechanism, the overriding purpose of the behavior is to attempt to achieve some security and certainty for the person who feels threatened and insecure in an uncertain world....
I see the obsessive maneuver as an adaptive technique to protect the person from exposure to any thoughts or feelings that will endanger his physical or psychological existence...

There seems to be something going on inside us that we do not understand. Some sort of cosmic transcendental forces flowing through us. Continents drift, currents shift, winds blow, snakes slither, hawks glide, the little fish float in silver schools of motions. In most of the inhabited world, most people still walk through their daily roles. We know very little about the morning of life, except that it was where mobility began; we like to think we know a little more about the afternoon. In that glade, with the late sun illunminating a dance of a creature half beast, half god, we dimly see, as in an x-ray, the mobility that is his heritage. We should be thankful we do not see the evening as clearly

Lost Post: Postcard Collective Winter 2019 series, "Practice Makes...."


good morning starshine
6CO2 + 6H2O=C6H12O6 + 6O2

you've seen a strawberry
    that's had a struggle; yet
    was, where the fragments met,
a hedgehog or a star-
    fish for the multitude
    of seeds. What better food
than apples-seeds -- the fruit
    within the fruit -- locked in
    like counter-curved twin

Some people have normal everyday recurring nightmares like drowning in a tidal wave or being pursued by apes and sex fiends or wandering naked through a meeting of the local PTA. My recurring nightmare is crueler. I dream I have been sentenced to drive forever along the Connecticut turnpike. All exits have been sealed in concrete and I am doomed for an uncertain term to feed at the eight Holiday Houses between Stamford and Madison till at last I perish of sensory insult.

land of bright water
The little pieces of land on which he stands crumbles beneath his feet,
his forests dwindling, technological man turns once again to gaze upon his ancient home --
the vast and prolific tableland of the se

AND PASS AND TURN AGAIN -- Although, because it is so mechanistic, the analogy of  the internal work of a clock is inexact to describe the system by which living things maintain themselves, it may serve our purpose here. Think of solar radiation as being the force that winds the mainspring. With negligible exceptions, it is the only source of energy that living things have. The energy accumulated by the earth as it turns is distributed throughout the system. At each transaction there is an unavoidable loss of energy in the form of heat. Within the primary system, there is no such thing as an inessential wheel; each absorbs energy. When one wheel fails, the rest of the system stops. Within this, man is no more important than any other wheel

every little movement

While every thing and event contributes to this cosmic noise, each admits an identifying message and also a highly selective receptivity for only a selection of these multiple messages, while indifferent, or insensitive to others.
Through evolution, each organism has developed a concern for those messages which are essential to its living function and survival as  species, while ignoring what is not biologically relevant nor useful. Accordingly, in any geographical area, many different species; bacteria in the soil, worms, insects, fish, reptiles, birds, amphibians, and the array of mammals, carry on their life careers, selectively recieving and responding to signals that are of concern to each species, while unaware of the many other messages that are being concurrently transmitted

Extractive industries clustered around sources of raw materials concentrations of minerals, stands of forests, or in the center of grasslands ans in the agrarian belts of the middlewest. The result of which was to increase the number of pollutants in each ecological area.

There can only be disaster arising from
unawareness of the causalities and effects inherent
in our technologies

When all these inputs, these economic zones are pieced together, they form a monster that no one foresaw, no one wanted, but which is now galloping through our environment. The I Ching says "No Blame"
Having constructed this monster out of old beliefs lying about the place, let us consider whether we can distinguish between real problems and imagined ones. A real problem is one in which we do not now have a solution
The "population problem" is, by this definition, not a real one in that we know how to solve it, and that in any event, whether we do much of anything, it will solve itself

They did this even when they no longer had any need for them; the symbols were the surrogates for the rocks piled in the cave against the coming of the night
Think of this system as being reinforced over and over through hundreds of thousands of generations and thousands of years, through social approval, ritualization and acculturation. That there was something basically wrong with this way of life may be exemplified by the fact that those who refused to subscribe to the accumulation and storage of things became the founders of the world's great religions

I find man utterly of what his wealth is or his fundamental capacity is.
He says time and again "We can't afford it."
For instance, we are saying now that we can't afford to do anything about pollution, but after the costs of not doing anything about have multiplied many fold beyond what it would cost to correct now, we will spend many fold what it would cost to correct it now

Throughout all of this, nature was the "enemy". The purpose of life of this strange creature we have described was to "conquer" nature, "tame" the wilderness, "make war" on pests and vermin, "control" the rivers.
Life was a battles against the elements, only the "fittest" survived. Whole species of other life forms, plants, insects, reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds and mammals were exterminated, most usually because they represented a "threat" against the accumulation of things.
Sometimes for sport

Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!
You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout
Till you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks!
You sulphurous and thought-executing fires,
Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts,
Singe my white head! And thou, all-shaking thunder,
Smite flat the thick rotundity o' the world!
Crack nature's moulds, an germens spill at once,
That make ingrateful man!
Rumble thy bellyful! Spit, fire! spout, rain!
Nor rain, wind, thunder, fire, are my daughters:
I tax not you, you elements, with unkindness;
I never gave you kingdom, call'd you children,
You owe me no subscription: then let fall
Your horrible pleasure: here I stand, your slave,
A poor, infirm, weak, and despised old man:
But yet I call you servile ministers,
That have with two pernicious daughters join'd
Your high engender'd battles 'gainst a head
So old and white as this. O! O! 'tis foul! 


Lost Post: Postcard Collective Winter 2019 series, "Practice Makes...."


And God said, let us make man in our own image, after our own likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing....
So God created man in his own image...male and female he created them...and God said unto them
"Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it..." And the Lord God planted a garden eastward of Eden and there he put the man he had created.

The emergence of consciousness is the heart of matter
Evolution has been compared to a labyrinth of blind alleys and there is nothing very strange or improbable in the assumption that man's native equipment , though superior to that of of any other living species, nevertheless contains some built-in error or deficiency which predisposes him to self-destruction.
It was not formed in ourselves, It comes from far away.... It reaches us after creating everything on the way.

The dynamo's motion, form, and soft purr of sound awed him, in whatever age... He could not make out the machine's meaning, or dimly making it out, the meaning frightened him. It seemed to leave out all the values that heretofore made human life worth living. 

...I mete and dole unequal laws unto a savage race, that hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. I cannot rest from travels...I am part of all that I have met; yet all experience is an arch wherethro' gleams the untraveled world who's margin fades forever and forever when I move...

Bathed in the radiance of a beneficent star, a pebble,
a drop of water, and a blade of grass are
the magic ingredients who's constant
interaction is the foundation of that
"dilute gelatinous film" we call biosphere.
There are all the tools we have; to destroy
or abuse them, to interrupt their
function is to destroy ourselves. Not all
the decisions of corporate board members,
not all the legislation passed by our
politicians, not all the money is all the
banks in the world, not all the power
stored in our military arsenals can change this
fact. Yet we act as if they could and continue
to consider that the laws of man have priority
over the laws of nature and that wealth is more
precious than life. One reason we do
this is that we tend to think of a pebble,
a drop, or a blade of grass as "things"
when, in reality, they are phases in a
process that moves as waves of
energy though space and time.
We are, at best, poor voyagers
upon this tide.

A living body is not a fixed thing. It is a flowing event, like a flame or a whirlpool: the shape alone is static, for the substance of a stream is of energy going in at one ends and out the other. We are particular and temporary wiggles in a stream that enters in the form of light, heat, air, water, wine, bread, fruit, beef stroganoff, caviar, pate de foie gras. It goes out as gas and excrement -- and also semen, babies, pleasure and pain.

Lost Post: Postcard Collective Winter 2019 series, "Practice Makes...."


I read you loud and clear.
Roger? Roger? Roger?

...to communicate with someone is to effect some form of change in their store of experiences. This change may affect their level of perception, their way of seeing things, their information bank and even their pattern of behavior

There comes a time in the course of human events when it becomes self evident we have armor in our chinks, but the voices cannot get through. Somehow, there is always a commercial on, and our voices crying in the technological wilderness are gone with the wind. Something there is that does not like a wall. Let's join hands and see if we can find another world.


So. We shiver, lonely in the cold winter of a technological culture, standing on the runway with a dollar in our hand, while at the same time the warmth is within mind's reach. But may the mind not be a way to breach the wall? Think of what delights may be on the other side!
Come along?

We all, in one way or another, send our little messages out into the world.
We say, "Help me, I'm lonely"
"Take me, I'm available."
"Leave me alone, I'm depressed."
And rarely do we send our messages consciously. We act out our state of being with nonverbal body language. We lift one eyebrow in disbelief. We rub our noses in puzzlement. We clasp our arms to isolate or to protect ourselves. We shrug shoulders for indifference, wink one eye for intimacy, tap our fingers for impatience, slap our forehead for forgetfulness.

Lest we be too critical of ourselves, let us remember that this poorly endowed creature no other behavior would have insured its survival for hundreds of thousands of years. The rude stones \finally proliferated into the tools of the industrial revolution; it became quite possible for man to produce every material he deeded, and even most of the things he could want (an important distinction). The ages of scarcity had passed. But the old, compulsive reactions continued.

The limits of our language mean the limits of our world. A new world is the beginning of a new language. A new language is the seed of a new world.

But he was but part of a whole.
He shared the planet with billions of other beings whose species history had still not been figured out. He could not know on what adventure they were embarked; he could only accompany the trek as far as he could go. This was a thing to fear. The same life force each individual represented had lives in a thousand guises, again and again; in crystals, in limestone shells and scales and feathers and fur.
He had -- and has -- only one responsibility. That is to keep the system going . And this, unfortunately, is exactly what he is doing. He is destroying the only habitat he has and he can plead 'survival' as an excuse.
We can now reconstruct the past to see how we managed to be stranded on this rapidly shrinking island.

If we knew what went wrong, there may still be time to do something about it -- the contamination of the air, the water, the entire surface of the globe he brought about.
The pulse of sirens, distant trains,
the throbbing echo of some unseen horn,
muted conversations that forward of
journeys, passing strangers, doom or
joy; all the portent once
revealed by gypsies as they
read the whisper in your hand.
It seemed a time when one by one
the stars were blinking out --
and men at last had time
to doubt whatever anxious
passion made them
build a thing from
which they had to run.

You heard, but all the same
you turned away....

I can't hear you.